Looking for an extra edge Try out the new Quickie Ti All Court wheelchair. The Quickie Ti All Court, modeled after our highly successful Quickie (aluminum) All Court, features a titanium seat-frame. The titanium tubing cuts 2.5 pounds off the overall weight. This change, along with a new series of options, makes the Quickie Ti All Court the perfect chair for the wheelchair athlete looking for the ultimate competitive edge.
The Quickie Ti All Court features special extra-hard caster wheels (92 durometer hardness). The new casters ensure that chair speed and maneuverability are not simply absorbed in the wheels. Extreme camber options of 16 and 20 offer superior stability and effortless turning.
The new ratchet-style positioning belt was inspired by a prototype developed by our one of own athletes. This belt features two sets of locking ratchet-clamps similar to those used in snowboard bindings. These ratchet-clamps allow the tightest possible connection to the chair. The stronger the connection, the easier upper-body movements transfer into chair movement.
The Quickie Ti All Court offers a 1/2 sized seat pan. Because the wheelchair basketball association does not allow seat-to-floor heights greater than 53 cm, it is critical that any sag in the rear seat sling is eliminated. This is why centers, and other players who need to maintain maximum chair-height, request this option.
The Quickie Ti All Court features a 5th wheel anti-tip brace. This adjustable brace, located between the backrest towel bar and the integrated anti-tip, eliminates the rearward flex in the seat frame caused when a player leans backwards.

Center-Of-Mass Adjustment System
Sunrise Medical's patented center-of-mass adjustment system provides a maximum horizontal (center-of-gravity) adjustment-range of 3.5" and up to 5" of vertical seat-squeeze (or seat dump) adjustment. This combination of adjustment-systems allows users to align their weight over the push-wheels and optimize their seat angles without making changes in fork size, caster size, caster-stem size, or fork-hole location.

Single-Wing Bumper
The Quickie All Court's single-wing bumper has undergone a redesign. The new bumper is lighter, leaner, and better positioned to match today's more aggressive fast-paced game.

Titanium Frame
Titanium is more than twice as strong as aluminum. This is one reason why it is possible to use much thinner tubing and still maintain overall strength. For the lightest possible weight, choose the All Court Ti. It's titanium seat frame shaves 2.5 lbs. off the wheelchair's overall weight! Perfect for tough, competitive games, titanium is also scratch and corrosion resistant.
5th Wheel Anti-Tip
The Quickie All Court features single (standard) or dual (optional) integrated fifth-wheel anti-tip(s). These anti-tip caster(s) allow players to move their weight directly over the rear wheels, providing a tremendous advantage in maneuverability and power.
Anti-Tip Brace
The 5th wheel anti-tip brace is a new option featured on the Quickie All Court. This adjustable brace, located between the backrest towel bar and the integrated anti-tip, eliminates the rearward flex in the seat frame caused when the player leans backwards. With this option, the player no longer has to adjust to the flex in the seat when leaning back to shoot over a defender.