Raz Design RAZ-SP600 Self Propel Heavy Duty Rehab Shower Commode Chair

Raz Design RAZ-SP600 Self Propel Heavy Duty Rehab Shower Commode Chair
Manufacturer: RAZ Design
Part Number: Z260XX
Retail Price: $3,495.00
Price: $2,935 Ea

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The RAZ-SP600 rehab shower commode chair features the Multi-Position Back (with center of gravity adjustment) and comes standard with 3" of height adjustment, an adjustable-tension fabric backrest, 24" rear wheels, 5" dual-locking casters for users up to 400 lbs and 6" dual-locking casters for users over 400 lbs (up to 600 lbs...

Z614RHD - 24" HD Rear Wheels w/ Ergonomic Handrims

ZFSHDL/R - Adjustable Footrest HD

$2,935.00    Add to Cart