

Name: CR45: Cr45 Reclining Backrest - Growth
Manufacturer: Ki Mobility
Cr45 Reclining Backrest - Growth parts diagram
(Click on image to enlarge)

Has your width changed? If yes, verify the current growth strut will work or select appropriately below. If chair was invoiced prior to 12/18/23, an upper back tube assembly is required. If chair was invoiced after to 12/18/23, upper back tube assembly parts can now be purchased individually
Pos. Part # Description Price UOM Buy
1a 002578 Growth Strut, Stroller, Short- Used on chairs 14"-17" wide
1b 002579 Growth Strut, Stroller, Long- Used on chairs 18"-22" wide
2 101843 M5 x 20 SHCS Blk Zn