Little Wave Flip

Little Wave Flip

Name: Little Wave Flip: Flip Seat Frame - Growth (depth)
Manufacturer: Ki Mobility
Flip Seat Frame - Growth (depth) parts diagram
(Click on image to enlarge)

Has your depth changed? Will your existing seat tubes accommodate your new depth? If no, please select the appropriate seat tubes. Color for the Front Seat Tubes is the Frame Color of the chair.
Pos. Part # Description Price UOM Buy
1a, 3, 4 502978_ _ _ Front Seat Tube Std, Short- Accommodates a 12"-16" depth.
1b, 3, 4 502979_ _ _ Front Seat Tube Std, Medium- Accommodates a 14"-18" depth.
1c, 3, 4 502980_ _ _ Front Seat Tube Std, Long- Accommodates a 16"-20" depth.
1d 502981_ _ _ Front Seat Tube Offset, Short Right- Accommodates a 12"-16" depth.
1e 502982_ _ _ Front Seat Tube Offset, Short Left- Accommodates a 12"-16" depth.
1f 502983_ _ _ Front Seat Tube Offset, Medium Right- Accommodates a 14"-18" depth.
1g 502984_ _ _ Front Seat Tube Offset, Medium Left- Accommodates a 14"-18" depth.
1h 502985_ _ _ Front Seat Tube Offset, Long Right- Accommodates a 16"-20" depth.
1i 502986_ _ _ Front Seat Tube Offset, Long Left- Accommodates a 16"-20" depth.
2a 001877 Ped Seat Frame Growth Tube, 13.5"
2b 003667 Ped Seat Frame Growth Tube, 12.5"- Used on 12" Deep Chairs with Offset Hangers