Little Wave XP

Little Wave Xp

Name: Little Wave XP: Little Wave Xp Fixed Height Backrest With Adjustable Height Rigidizer Bar
Manufacturer: Ki Mobility
Little Wave Xp Fixed Height Backrest With Adjustable Height Rigidizer Bar parts diagram
(Click on image to enlarge)

Adjustable Height Rigidizer Bar based on seat width
Pos. Part # Description Price UOM Buy
1a, 7a, 8, 9 109150 Adjustable Height Rigidizer Bar 10", 0" Connector and Hardware
1a, 7b, 8, 9 109151 Adjustable Height Rigidizer Bar 10", 1" Connector and Hardware
1a, 7c, 8, 9 109152 Adjustable Height Rigidizer Bar 10", 2" Connector and Hardware
1a, 7d, 8, 9 109153 Adjustable Height Rigidizer Bar 10", 3" Connector and Hardware
1b, 7a, 8, 9 109154 Adjustable Height Rigidizer Bar 11", 0" Connector and Hardware
1b, 7b, 8, 9 109155 Adjustable Height Rigidizer Bar 11", 1" Connector and Hardware
1b, 7c, 8, 9 109156 Adjustable Height Rigidizer Bar 11", 2" Connector and Hardware
1b, 7d, 8, 9 109157 Adjustable Height Rigidizer Bar 11", 3" Connector and Hardware
1c, 7a, 8, 9 109158 Adjustable Height Rigidizer Bar 12", 0" Connector and Hardware
1c, 7b, 8, 9 109159 Adjustable Height Rigidizer Bar 12", 1" Connector and Hardware
1c, 7c, 8, 9 109160 Adjustable Height Rigidizer Bar 12", 2" Connector and Hardware
1c, 7d, 8, 9 109161 Adjustable Height Rigidizer Bar 12", 3" Connector and Hardware
1d, 7a, 8, 9 109162 Adjustable Height Rigidizer Bar 13", 0" Connector and Hardware
1d, 7b, 8, 9 109163 Adjustable Height Rigidizer Bar 13", 1" Connector and Hardware
1d, 7c, 8, 9 109164 Adjustable Height Rigidizer Bar 13", 2" Connector and Hardware
1d, 7d, 8, 9 109165 Adjustable Height Rigidizer Bar 13", 3" Connector and Hardware
1e, 7a, 8, 9 109166 Adjustable Height Rigidizer Bar 14", 0" Connector and Hardware
1e, 7b, 8, 9 109167 Adjustable Height Rigidizer Bar 14", 1" Connector and Hardware
1e, 7c, 8, 9 109168 Adjustable Height Rigidizer Bar 14", 2" Connector and Hardware
1e, 7d, 8, 9 109169 Adjustable Height Rigidizer Bar 14", 3" Connector and Hardware
1f, 7a, 8, 9 109170 Adjustable Height Rigidizer Bar 15", 0" Connector and Hardware
1f, 7b, 8, 9 109171 Adjustable Height Rigidizer Bar 15", 1" Connector and Hardware
1f, 7c, 8, 9 109172 Adjustable Height Rigidizer Bar 15", 2" Connector and Hardware
1f, 7d, 8, 9 109173 Adjustable Height Rigidizer Bar 15", 3" Connector and Hardware
1g, 7a, 8, 9 109174 Adjustable Height Rigidizer Bar 16", 0" Connector and Hardware
1g, 7b, 8, 9 109175 Adjustable Height Rigidizer Bar 16", 1" Connector and Hardware
1g, 7c, 8, 9 109176 Adjustable Height Rigidizer Bar 16", 2" Connector and Hardware
1g, 7d, 8, 9 109177 Adjustable Height Rigidizer Bar 16", 3" Connector and Hardware
7b, 8, 9 502318 Backrest Connector Assembly 1" w/ Hardware, Rigid
7c, 8, 9 502319 Backrest Connector Assembly 2" w/ Hardware, Rigid
7d, 8, 9 502320 Backrest Connector Assembly 3" w/ Hardware, Rigid
2a 109096 Backrest Tube Fixed Height, 6.25"- Used with 12" back height with fold down push handles or 9" back height with standard or low profile push handles
2b 109095 Backrest Tube Fixed Height, 7.25"- Used with 13" back height with fold down push handles or 10" back height with standard or low profile push handles
2c 109094 Backrest Tube Fixed Height, 8.25"- Used with 9" back height with omit push handles, 14" back height with fold down push handles or 11" back height with standard or low profile push handles
2d 109093 Backrest Tube Fixed Height, 9.25"- Used with 10" back height with omit push handles, 15" back height with fold down push handles or 12" back height with standard or low profile push handles
2e 109092 Backrest Tube Fixed Height, 10.25"- Used with 11" back height with omit push handles, 16" back height with fold down push handles or 13" back height with standard or low profile push handles
2f 109091 Backrest Tube Fixed Height, 11.25"- Used with 12" back height with omit push handles, 17" back height with fold down push handles or 14" back height with standard or low profile push handles
2g 109090 Backrest Tube Fixed Height, 12.25"- Used with 13" back height with omit push handles, 18" back height with fold down push handles or 15" back height with standard or low profile push handles
2h 109089 Backrest Tube Fixed Height, 13.25"- Used with 14" back height with omit push handles or 16" back height with standard or low profile push handles
2i 109088 Backrest Tube Fixed Height, 14.25"- Used with 15" back height with omit push handles or 17" back height with standard or low profile push handles
2j 109087 Backrest Tube Fixed Height, 15.25"- Used with 16" back height with omit push handles or 18" back height with standard or low profile push handles
2k 109086 Backrest Tube Fixed Height, 16.25"- Used with 17" back height with omit push handles
2l 000698 Backrest Tube Fixed Height, 17.25"- Used with 18" back height with omit push handles
3 000034 Sleeve 3/4" x 1 1/2"- Used with standard push handles, low profile push handles or fold down push handles
4 000073 M5 x 24 Threaded Barrel
5 100669 M5 x 10 BTN SHCS BLKZC w/Patch
6 103524 M5 x 10 BTN SHCS BLK ZN
7a 000589 Backrest Connector 0" LW/RG
7b 000590 Backrest Connector 1" LW/RG
7c 000591 Backrest Connector 2" LW/RG
7d 000592 Backrest Connector 3" LW/RG
8 000669 M6 x 20.5 Threaded Barrel
9 101184 M6 x 10 BTN SHCS BLKZC w/Patch
10 100804 Tube End Plug 1"- Used with omit push handles