Little Wave XP

Little Wave Xp

Name: Little Wave XP: Discontinued Rigid Aluminum Seat Pan
Manufacturer: Ki Mobility
Discontinued Rigid Aluminum Seat Pan parts diagram
(Click on image to enlarge)

Rigid Seat Pans may be quoted, but must be ordered through Customer Service. If your chair was ordered prior to February 2013 a custom seat pan may be required.
Pos. Part # Description Price UOM Buy
1a 001627 Seat Pan Rigid 10 x 10- Replaced with 505952 N/A EA Please Call
1b 001628 Seat Pan Rigid 10 x 11- Replaced with 505953 N/A EA Please Call
1c 001629 Seat Pan Rigid 10 x 12- Replaced with 505954 N/A EA Please Call
1d 001630 Seat Pan Rigid 10 x 13- Replaced with 505955 N/A EA Please Call
1e 001631 Seat Pan Rigid 10 x 14- Replaced with 505956 N/A EA Please Call
1f 001632 Seat Pan Rigid 10 x 15- Replaced with 505957 N/A EA Please Call
1g 001633 Seat Pan Rigid 10 x 16- Replaced with 505958 N/A EA Please Call
1h 002120 Seat Pan Rigid 10 x 17- Replaced with 505959 N/A EA Please Call
1i 002121 Seat Pan Rigid 10 x 18- Replaced with 505960 N/A EA Please Call
1j 002122 Seat Pan Rigid 10 x 19- Replaced with 505961 N/A EA Please Call
1k 001634 Seat Pan Rigid 11 x 10- Replaced with 505962 N/A EA Please Call
1l 001635 Seat Pan Rigid 11 x 11- Replaced with 505963 N/A EA Please Call
1m 001636 Seat Pan Rigid 11 x 12- Replaced with 505964 N/A EA Please Call
1n 001637 Seat Pan Rigid 11 x 13- Replaced with 505965 N/A EA Please Call
1o 001638 Seat Pan Rigid 11 x 14- Replaced with 505966 N/A EA Please Call
1p 001639 Seat Pan Rigid 11 x 15- Replaced with 505967 N/A EA Please Call
1q 001640 Seat Pan Rigid 11 x 16- Replaced with 505968 N/A EA Please Call
1r 002123 Seat Pan Rigid 11 x 17- Replaced with 505969 N/A EA Please Call
1s 002124 Seat Pan Rigid 11 x 18- Replaced with 505970 N/A EA Please Call
1t 002125 Seat Pan Rigid 11 x 19- Replaced with 505971 N/A EA Please Call
1u 001641 Seat Pan Rigid 12 x 10- Replaced with 505972 N/A EA Please Call
1v 001642 Seat Pan Rigid 12 x 11- Replaced with 505973 N/A EA Please Call
1w 001643 Seat Pan Rigid 12 x 12- Replaced with 505974 N/A EA Please Call
1x 001644 Seat Pan Rigid 12 x 13- Replaced with 505975 N/A EA Please Call
1y 001645 Seat Pan Rigid 12 x 14- Replaced with 505976 N/A EA Please Call
1z 001646 Seat Pan Rigid 12 x 15- Replaced with 505977 N/A EA Please Call
1aa 001647 Seat Pan Rigid 12 x 16- Replaced with 505978 N/A EA Please Call
1ab 001648 Seat Pan Rigid 12 x 17- Replaced with 505979 N/A EA Please Call
1ac 001649 Seat Pan Rigid 12 x 18- Replaced with 505980 N/A EA Please Call
1ad 002126 Seat Pan Rigid 12 x 19- Replaced with 505981 N/A EA Please Call
1ae 002127 Seat Pan Rigid 12 x 20- Replaced with 505982 N/A EA Please Call
1af 001650 Seat Pan Rigid 13 x 10- Replaced with 505983 N/A EA Please Call
1ag 001651 Seat Pan Rigid 13 x 11- Replaced with 505984 N/A EA Please Call
1ah 001652 Seat Pan Rigid 13 x 12- Replaced with 505985 N/A EA Please Call
1ai 001653 Seat Pan Rigid 13 x 13- Replaced with 505986 N/A EA Please Call
1aj 001654 Seat Pan Rigid 13 x 14- Replaced with 505987 N/A EA Please Call
1ak 001655 Seat Pan Rigid 13 x 15- Replaced with 505988 N/A EA Please Call
1al 001656 Seat Pan Rigid 13 x 16- Replaced with 505989 N/A EA Please Call
1am 001657 Seat Pan Rigid 13 x 17- Replaced with 505990 N/A EA Please Call
1an 001658 Seat Pan Rigid 13 x 18- Replaced with 505991 N/A EA Please Call
1ao 002128 Seat Pan Rigid 13 x 19- Replaced with 505992 N/A EA Please Call
1ap 002129 Seat Pan Rigid 13 x 20- Replaced with 505993 N/A EA Please Call
1aq 001659 Seat Pan Rigid 14 x 10- Replaced with 505994 N/A EA Please Call
1ar 001660 Seat Pan Rigid 14 x 11- Replaced with 505995 N/A EA Please Call
1as 001661 Seat Pan Rigid 14 x 12- Replaced with 505996 N/A EA Please Call
1at 001662 Seat Pan Rigid 14 x 13- Replaced with 505997 N/A EA Please Call
1au 001663 Seat Pan Rigid 14 x 14- Replaced with 505859 N/A EA Please Call
1av 001664 Seat Pan Rigid 14 x 15- Replaced with 505860 N/A EA Please Call
1aw 001665 Seat Pan Rigid 14 x 16- Replaced with 505861 N/A EA Please Call
1ax 001666 Seat Pan Rigid 14 x 17- Replaced with 505862 N/A EA Please Call
1ay 001667 Seat Pan Rigid 14 x 18- Replaced with 505863 N/A EA Please Call
1az 001668 Seat Pan Rigid 14 x 19- Replaced with 505864 N/A EA Please Call
1ba 001669 Seat Pan Rigid 14 x 20- Replaced with 505865 N/A EA Please Call
1bb 002130 Seat Pan Rigid 14 x 21- Replaced with 505866 N/A EA Please Call
1bc 002131 Seat Pan Rigid 14 x 22- Replaced with 505867 N/A EA Please Call
1bd 001670 Seat Pan Rigid 15 x 10- Replaced with 505998 N/A EA Please Call
1be 001671 Seat Pan Rigid 15 x 11- Replaced with 505999 N/A EA Please Call
1bf 001672 Seat Pan Rigid 15 x 12- Replaced with 506000 N/A EA Please Call
1bg 001673 Seat Pan Rigid 15 x 13- Replaced with 506001 N/A EA Please Call
1bh 001674 Seat Pan Rigid 15 x 14- Replaced with 505868 N/A EA Please Call
1bi 001675 Seat Pan Rigid 15 x 15- Replaced with 505869 N/A EA Please Call
1bj 001676 Seat Pan Rigid 15 x 16- Replaced with 505870 N/A EA Please Call
1bk 001677 Seat Pan Rigid 15 x 17- Replaced with 505871 N/A EA Please Call
1bl 001678 Seat Pan Rigid 15 x 18- Replaced with 505872 N/A EA Please Call
1bm 001679 Seat Pan Rigid 15 x 19- Replaced with 505873 N/A EA Please Call
1bn 001680 Seat Pan Rigid 15 x 20- Replaced with 505874 N/A EA Please Call
1bo 002133 Seat Pan Rigid 15 x 21- Replaced with 505875 N/A EA Please Call
1bp 002134 Seat Pan Rigid 15 x 22- Replaced with 505876 N/A EA Please Call
1bq 001681 Seat Pan Rigid 16 x 10- Replaced with 506002 N/A EA Please Call
1br 001682 Seat Pan Rigid 16 x 11- Replaced with 506003 N/A EA Please Call
1bs 001683 Seat Pan Rigid 16 x 12- Replaced with 506004 N/A EA Please Call
1bt 001684 Seat Pan Rigid 16 x 13- Replaced with 506005 N/A EA Please Call
1bu 001685 Seat Pan Rigid 16 x 14- Replaced with 505877 N/A EA Please Call
1bv 001686 Seat Pan Rigid 16 x 15- Replaced with 505878 N/A EA Please Call
1bw 001687 Seat Pan Rigid 16 x 16- Replaced with 505879 N/A EA Please Call
1bx 001688 Seat Pan Rigid 16 x 17- Replaced with 505880 N/A EA Please Call
1by 001689 Seat Pan Rigid 16 x 18- Replaced with 505881 N/A EA Please Call
1bz 001690 Seat Pan Rigid 16 x 19- Replaced with 505882 N/A EA Please Call
1ca 001691 Seat Pan Rigid 16 x 20- Replaced with 505883 N/A EA Please Call
1cb 002136 Seat Pan Rigid 16 x 21- Replaced with 505884 N/A EA Please Call
1cc 002137 Seat Pan Rigid 16 x 22- Replaced with 505885 N/A EA Please Call
1cd 003632 Seat Pan Rigid 17 x 12- Replaced with 506006 N/A EA Please Call
1ce 003633 Seat Pan Rigid 17 x 13- Replaced with 506007 N/A EA Please Call
1cf 001692 Seat Pan Rigid 17 x 14- Replaced with 505886 N/A EA Please Call
1cg 001693 Seat Pan Rigid 17 x 15- Replaced with 505887 N/A EA Please Call
1ch 001694 Seat Pan Rigid 17 x 16- Replaced with 505888 N/A EA Please Call
1ci 001695 Seat Pan Rigid 17 x 17- Replaced with 505889 N/A EA Please Call
1cj 001696 Seat Pan Rigid 17 x 18- Replaced with 505890 N/A EA Please Call
1ck 001697 Seat Pan Rigid 17 x 19- Replaced with 505891 N/A EA Please Call
1cl 001698 Seat Pan Rigid 17 x 20- Replaced with 505892 N/A EA Please Call
1cm 002139 Seat Pan Rigid 17 x 21- Replaced with 505893 N/A EA Please Call
1cn 002140 Seat Pan Rigid 17 x 22- Replaced with 505894 N/A EA Please Call
1co 003634 Seat Pan Rigid 18 x 13- Replaced with 506008 N/A EA Please Call
1cp 001699 Seat Pan Rigid 18 x 14- Replaced with 505895 N/A EA Please Call
1cq 001700 Seat Pan Rigid 18 x 15- Replaced with 505896 N/A EA Please Call
1cr 001701 Seat Pan Rigid 18 x 16- Replaced with 505897 N/A EA Please Call
1cs 001702 Seat Pan Rigid 18 x 17- Replaced with 505898 N/A EA Please Call
1ct 001703 Seat Pan Rigid 18 x 18- Replaced with 505899 N/A EA Please Call
1cu 001704 Seat Pan Rigid 18 x 19- Replaced with 505900 N/A EA Please Call
1cv 001705 Seat Pan Rigid 18 x 20- Replaced with 505901 N/A EA Please Call
1cw 002142 Seat Pan Rigid 18 x 21- Replaced with 505902 N/A EA Please Call
1cx 002143 Seat Pan Rigid 18 x 22- Replaced with 505903 N/A EA Please Call
1cy 002145 Seat Pan Rigid 19 x 14- Replaced with 505904 N/A EA Please Call
1cz 001706 Seat Pan Rigid 19 x 15- Replaced with 505905 N/A EA Please Call
1da 001707 Seat Pan Rigid 19 x 16- Replaced with 505906 N/A EA Please Call
1db 001708 Seat Pan Rigid 19 x 17- Replaced with 505907 N/A EA Please Call
1dc 001709 Seat Pan Rigid 19 x 18- Replaced with 505908 N/A EA Please Call
1dd 001710 Seat Pan Rigid 19 x 19- Replaced with 505909 N/A EA Please Call
1de 001711 Seat Pan Rigid 19 x 20- Replaced with 505910 N/A EA Please Call
1df 002146 Seat Pan Rigid 19 x 21- Replaced with 505911 N/A EA Please Call
1dg 002147 Seat Pan Rigid 19 x 22- Replaced with 505912 N/A EA Please Call
1dh 002149 Seat Pan Rigid 20 x 14- Replaced with 505913 N/A EA Please Call
1di 001712 Seat Pan Rigid 20 x 15- Replaced with 505914 N/A EA Please Call
1dj 001713 Seat Pan Rigid 20 x 16- Replaced with 505915 N/A EA Please Call
1dk 001714 Seat Pan Rigid 20 x 17- Replaced with 505916 N/A EA Please Call
1dl 001715 Seat Pan Rigid 20 x 18- Replaced with 505917 N/A EA Please Call
1dm 001716 Seat Pan Rigid 20 x 19- Replaced with 505918 N/A EA Please Call
1dn 001717 Seat Pan Rigid 20 x 20- Replaced with 505919 N/A EA Please Call
1do 002150 Seat Pan Rigid 20 x 21- Replaced with 505920 N/A EA Please Call
1dp 002151 Seat Pan Rigid 20 x 22- Replaced with 505921 N/A EA Please Call
1dq 002153 Seat Pan Rigid 21 x 14- Replaced with 505922 N/A EA Please Call
1dr 002154 Seat Pan Rigid 21 x 15- Replaced with 505923 N/A EA Please Call
1ds 001718 Seat Pan Rigid 21 x 16- Replaced with 505924 N/A EA Please Call
1dt 001719 Seat Pan Rigid 21 x 17- Replaced with 505925 N/A EA Please Call
1du 001720 Seat Pan Rigid 21 x 18- Replaced with 505926 N/A EA Please Call
1dv 001721 Seat Pan Rigid 21 x 19- Replaced with 505927 N/A EA Please Call
1dw 001722 Seat Pan Rigid 21 x 20- Replaced with 505928 N/A EA Please Call
1dx 002155 Seat Pan Rigid 21 x 21- Replaced with 505929 N/A EA Please Call
1dy 002156 Seat Pan Rigid 21 x 22- Replaced with 505930 N/A EA Please Call
1dz 002158 Seat Pan Rigid 22 x 14- Replaced with 505931 N/A EA Please Call
1ea 002159 Seat Pan Rigid 22 x 15- Replaced with 505932 N/A EA Please Call
1eb 001723 Seat Pan Rigid 22 x 16- Replaced with 505933 N/A EA Please Call
1ec 001724 Seat Pan Rigid 22 x 17- Replaced with 505934 N/A EA Please Call
1ed 001725 Seat Pan Rigid 22 x 18- Replaced with 505935 N/A EA Please Call
1ee 001726 Seat Pan Rigid 22 x 19- Replaced with 505936 N/A EA Please Call
1ef 001727 Seat Pan Rigid 22 x 20- Replaced with 505937 N/A EA Please Call
1eg 002160 Seat Pan Rigid 22 x 21- Replaced with 505938 N/A EA Please Call
1eh 002161 Seat Pan Rigid 22 x 22- Replaced with 505939 N/A EA Please Call
2 100734 M5 x 16 PHMS ZC