Rogue ALX (Formerly Tsunami)

Rogue Alx (formerly Tsunami)

Name: Rogue ALX (Formerly Tsunami): Rigid Height Adjustable Back Post With Non-adjustable Height Rigidizer Bar
Manufacturer: Ki Mobility
Rigid Height Adjustable Back Post With Non-adjustable Height Rigidizer Bar parts diagram
(Click on image to enlarge)

Utilize this page when retrofitting to the Rigid Locking Fold Down Back.
Pos. Part # Description Price UOM Buy
8, 9a, 10a 502602 Standard Push Handle Assembly, Short
8, 9b, 10a 117064 Standard Push Handle Assembly, Medium
8, 9c, 10a 117065 Standard Push Handle Assembly, Tall
8, 9d, 10b 107205 Low Profile Push Handle Assembly, Short
8, 9e, 10b 117066 Low Profile Push Handle Assembly, Medium
8, 9f, 10b 117067 Low Profile Push Handle Assembly, Tall
3, 5, 11, 12a 117068 Fold Down Push Handle Assembly, Height Adjustable, Short- Comes with both 11a and 11b
3, 5, 11, 12b 117069 Fold Down Push Handle Assembly, Height Adjustable, Medium- Comes with both 11a and 11b
3, 5, 11, 12c 117070 Fold Down Push Handle Assembly, Height Adjustable, Tall- Comes with both 11a and 11b
1a, 2, 4 - 5, 13 117105 HA Rigid Backrest / Non-HA Rigidizer Bar with Sleeves, 12" Wide- Used with all standard, low profile, and omit push handle. Used with medium 14" - 17" and tall fold down push handle.
1b, 2, 4 - 5, 13 117106 HA Rigid Backrest / Non-HA Rigidizer Bar with Sleeves, 13" Wide- Used with all standard, low profile, and omit push handle. Used with medium 14" - 17" and tall fold down push handle.
1c, 2, 4 - 5, 13 117107 HA Rigid Backrest / Non-HA Rigidizer Bar with Sleeves, 14" Wide- Used with all standard, low profile, and omit push handle. Used with medium 14" - 17" and tall fold down push handle.
1d, 2, 4 - 5, 13 117108 HA Rigid Backrest / Non-HA Rigidizer Bar with Sleeves, 15" Wide- Used with all standard, low profile, and omit push handle. Used with medium 14" - 17" and tall fold down push handle.
1e, 2, 4 - 5, 13 117109 HA Rigid Backrest / Non-HA Rigidizer Bar with Sleeves, 16" Wide- Used with all standard, low profile, and omit push handle. Used with medium 14" - 17" and tall fold down push handle.
1f, 2, 4 - 5, 13 117110 HA Rigid Backrest / Non-HA Rigidizer Bar with Sleeves, 17" Wide- Used with all standard, low profile, and omit push handle. Used with medium 14" - 17" and tall fold down push handle.
1g, 2, 4 - 5, 13 117111 HA Rigid Backrest / Non-HA Rigidizer Bar with Sleeves, 18" Wide- Used with all standard, low profile, and omit push handle. Used with medium 14" - 17" and tall fold down push handle.
1h, 2, 4 - 5, 13 117112 HA Rigid Backrest / Non-HA Rigidizer Bar with Sleeves, 19" Wide- Used with all standard, low profile, and omit push handle. Used with medium 14" - 17" and tall fold down push handle.
1i, 2, 4 - 5, 13 117113 HA Rigid Backrest / Non-HA Rigidizer Bar with Sleeves, 20" Wide- Used with all standard, low profile, and omit push handle. Used with medium 14" - 17" and tall fold down push handle.
1j, 2, 4 - 5, 13 117114 HA Rigid Backrest / Non-HA Rigidizer Bar with Sleeves, FDPH, Short, 12" Wide- Used with short fold down push handle
1k, 2, 4 - 5, 13 117115 HA Rigid Backrest / Non-HA Rigidizer Bar with Sleeves, FDPH, Short, 13" Wide- Used with short fold down push handle
1l, 2, 4 - 5, 13 117116 HA Rigid Backrest / Non-HA Rigidizer Bar with Sleeves, FDPH, Short, 14" Wide- Used with short fold down push handle
1m, 2, 4 - 5, 13 117117 HA Rigid Backrest / Non-HA Rigidizer Bar with Sleeves, FDPH, Short, 15" Wide- Used with short fold down push handle
1n, 2, 4 - 5, 13 117118 HA Rigid Backrest / Non-HA Rigidizer Bar with Sleeves, FDPH, Short, 16" Wide- Used with short fold down push handle
1o, 2, 4 - 5, 13 117119 HA Rigid Backrest / Non-HA Rigidizer Bar with Sleeves, FDPH, Short, 17" Wide- Used with short fold down push handle
1p, 2, 4 - 5, 13 117120 HA Rigid Backrest / Non-HA Rigidizer Bar with Sleeves, FDPH, Short, 18" Wide- Used with short fold down push handle
1q, 2, 4 - 5, 13 117121 HA Rigid Backrest / Non-HA Rigidizer Bar with Sleeves, FDPH, Short, 19" Wide- Used with short fold down push handle
1r, 2, 4 - 5, 13 117122 HA Rigid Backrest / Non-HA Rigidizer Bar with Sleeves, FDPH, Short, 20" Wide- Used with short fold down push handle
1s, 2, 4 - 5, 13 117123 HA Rigid Backrest / Non-HA Rigidizer Bar with Sleeves, FDPH, Medium, 12" Wide- Used with 13" medium fold down push handle
1t, 2, 4 - 5, 13 117124 HA Rigid Backrest / Non-HA Rigidizer Bar with Sleeves, FDPH, Medium, 13" Wide- Used with 13" medium fold down push handle
1u, 2, 4 - 5, 13 117125 HA Rigid Backrest / Non-HA Rigidizer Bar with Sleeves, FDPH, Medium, 14" Wide- Used with 13" medium fold down push handle
1v, 2, 4 - 5, 13 117126 HA Rigid Backrest / Non-HA Rigidizer Bar with Sleeves, FDPH, Medium, 15" Wide- Used with 13" medium fold down push handle
1w, 2, 4 - 5, 13 117127 HA Rigid Backrest / Non-HA Rigidizer Bar with Sleeves, FDPH, Medium, 16" Wide- Used with 13" medium fold down push handle
1x, 2, 4 - 5, 13 117128 HA Rigid Backrest / Non-HA Rigidizer Bar with Sleeves, FDPH, Medium, 17" Wide- Used with 13" medium fold down push handle
1y, 2, 4 - 5, 13 117129 HA Rigid Backrest / Non-HA Rigidizer Bar with Sleeves, FDPH, Medium, 18" Wide- Used with 13" medium fold down push handle
1z, 2, 4 - 5, 13 117130 HA Rigid Backrest / Non-HA Rigidizer Bar with Sleeves, FDPH, Medium, 19" Wide- Used with 13" medium fold down push handle
1aa, 2, 4 - 5, 13 117131 HA Rigid Backrest / Non-HA Rigidizer Bar with Sleeves, FDPH, Medium, 20" Wide- Used with 13" medium fold down push handle
1a 115344 Rigid Backrest, 8.813", 12" Wide- Used with all standard, low profile, and omit push handle. Used with medium 14" - 17" and tall fold down push handle.
1b 115345 Rigid Backrest, 8.813", 13" Wide- Used with all standard, low profile, and omit push handle. Used with medium 14" - 17" and tall fold down push handle.
1c 115346 Rigid Backrest, 8.813", 14" Wide- Used with all standard, low profile, and omit push handle. Used with medium 14" - 17" and tall fold down push handle.
1d 115347 Rigid Backrest, 8.813", 15" Wide- Used with all standard, low profile, and omit push handle. Used with medium 14" - 17" and tall fold down push handle.
1e 115348 Rigid Backrest, 8.813", 16" Wide- Used with all standard, low profile, and omit push handle. Used with medium 14" - 17" and tall fold down push handle.
1f 115349 Rigid Backrest, 8.813", 17" Wide- Used with all standard, low profile, and omit push handle. Used with medium 14" - 17" and tall fold down push handle.
1g 115350 Rigid Backrest, 8.813", 18" Wide- Used with all standard, low profile, and omit push handle. Used with medium 14" - 17" and tall fold down push handle.
1h 115351 Rigid Backrest, 8.813", 19" Wide- Used with all standard, low profile, and omit push handle. Used with medium 14" - 17" and tall fold down push handle.
1i 115352 Rigid Backrest, 8.813", 20" Wide- Used with all standard, low profile, and omit push handle. Used with medium 14" - 17" and tall fold down push handle.
1j 115357 Rigid Backrest, 7.813", 12" Wide- Used with 13" medium fold down push handle
1k 115358 Rigid Backrest, 7.813", 13" Wide- Used with 13" medium fold down push handle
1l 115359 Rigid Backrest, 7.813", 14" Wide- Used with 13" medium fold down push handle
1m 115360 Rigid Backrest, 7.813", 15" Wide- Used with 13" medium fold down push handle
1n 115361 Rigid Backrest, 7.813", 16" Wide- Used with 13" medium fold down push handle
1o 115362 Rigid Backrest, 7.813", 17" Wide- Used with 13" medium fold down push handle
1p 115363 Rigid Backrest, 7.813", 18" Wide- Used with 13" medium fold down push handle
1q 115364 Rigid Backrest, 7.813", 19" Wide- Used with 13" medium fold down push handle
1r 115365 Rigid Backrest, 7.813", 20" Wide- Used with 13" medium fold down push handle
1s 115370 Rigid Backrest, 6.813", 12" Wide- Used with short fold down push handle
1t 115371 Rigid Backrest, 6.813", 13" Wide- Used with short fold down push handle
1u 115372 Rigid Backrest, 6.813", 14" Wide- Used with short fold down push handle
1v 115373 Rigid Backrest, 6.813", 15" Wide- Used with short fold down push handle
1w 115374 Rigid Backrest, 6.813", 16" Wide- Used with short fold down push handle
1x 115375 Rigid Backrest, 6.813", 17" Wide- Used with short fold down push handle
1y 115376 Rigid Backrest, 6.813", 18" Wide- Used with short fold down push handle
1z 115377 Rigid Backrest, 6.813", 19" Wide- Used with short fold down push handle
1aa 115378 Rigid Backrest, 6.813", 20" Wide- Used with short fold down push handle
2 000034 Sleeve 3/4" x 1 1/2"
3 001735 Folding Handle Assembly Rigid- This is to replace an existing Fold Down Push Handle. If wanting to retrofit to the Fold Down Push Handle, order one of the following complete assemblies based on the desired back height: 117068, 117069, 117070. Includes 100734 and 101843.
4 000073 M5 x 24 Threaded Barrel
5 100669 M5 x 10 BTN SHCS BLKZC w/Patch
6a 001749 Tension Strap Folding Handle 12-13 Wide
6b 001750 Tension Strap Folding Handle 14-15 Wide
6c 001751 Tension Strap Folding Handle 16-17 Wide
6d 001752 Tension Strap Folding Handle 18-19 Wide
6e 001753 Tension Strap Folding Handle 20-22 Wide
7a 002422 Backtube Extension, 6.25"- Use with short back height range
7b 115314 Backtube Extension 9", Rigid- Used with medium or tall back height range
8 100638 Tube End Plug 3/4"
10a 109432 Ergo Push Handle Grip 3/4" Standard with Instruction
10b 109430 Ergo Push Handle Grip 3/4" Low Profile with Instruction
11a 100734 M5 x 16 PHMS ZC- Fold Down Push Handle
11b 101843 M5 x 20 SHCS Blk Zn- Used to attach upholstery
13 115540 Tube Sleeve