

Name: Rogue: (discontinued) Ethos / Rogue Height Adjustable Backrest With Non-adjustable Rigidizer Bar - Growth
Manufacturer: Ki Mobility
(discontinued) Ethos / Rogue Height Adjustable Backrest With Non-adjustable Rigidizer Bar - Growth parts diagram
(Click on image to enlarge)

Pos. Part # Description Price UOM Buy
1a, 2 107231 Height Adjustable Rigid Backrest with Sleeves 14" Assembly- Used with standard push handles, low push handles or omit push handles in any back height range or used with fold down push handles with tall back height range
1d, 2 107232 Height Adjustable Rigid Backrest with Sleeves 15" Assembly- Used with standard push handles, low push handles or omit push handles in any back height range or used with fold down push handles with tall back height range
1g, 2 107233 Height Adjustable Rigid Backrest with Sleeves 16" Assembly- Used with standard push handles, low push handles or omit push handles in any back height range or used with fold down push handles with tall back height range
1j, 2 107234 Height Adjustable Rigid Backrest with Sleeves 17" Assembly- Used with standard push handles, low push handles or omit push handles in any back height range or used with fold down push handles with tall back height range
1m, 2 107235 Height Adjustable Rigid Backrest with Sleeves 18" Assembly- Used with standard push handles, low push handles or omit push handles in any back height range or used with fold down push handles with tall back height range
1p, 2 107236 Height Adjustable Rigid Backrest with Sleeves 19" Assembly- Used with standard push handles, low push handles or omit push handles in any back height range or used with fold down push handles with tall back height range
1s, 2 107237 Height Adjustable Rigid Backrest with Sleeves 20" Assembly- Used with standard push handles, low push handles or omit push handles in any back height range or used with fold down push handles with tall back height range
1a 003721 Rigid Backrest, 8.063", 14" Wide- Used with standard push handles, low push handles or omit push handles in any back height range or used with fold down push handles with tall back height range
1b 108674 Rigid Backrest, 6.063", 14" Wide- Used with fold down push handles with short back height range
1c 108661 Rigid Backrest, 7.063", 14" Wide- Used with fold down push handles with medium back height range
1d 003722 Rigid Backrest, 8.063", 15" Wide- Used with standard push handles, low push handles or omit push handles in any back height range or used with fold down push handles with tall back height range
1e 108675 Rigid Backrest, 6.063", 15" Wide- Used with fold down push handles with short back height range
1f 108662 Rigid Backrest, 7.063", 15" Wide- Used with fold down push handles with medium back height range
1g 003723 Rigid Backrest, 8.063", 16" Wide- Used with standard push handles, low push handles or omit push handles in any back height range or used with fold down push handles with tall back height range
1h 108676 Rigid Backrest, 6.063", 16" Wide- Used with fold down push handles with short back height range
1i 108663 Rigid Backrest, 7.063", 16" Wide- Used with fold down push handles with medium back height range
1j 003724 Rigid Backrest, 8.063", 17" Wide- Used with standard push handles, low push handles or omit push handles in any back height range or used with fold down push handles with tall back height range
1k 108677 Rigid Backrest, 6.063", 17" Wide- Used with fold down push handles with short back height range
1l 108664 Rigid Backrest, 7.063", 17" Wide- Used with fold down push handles with medium back height range
1m 003725 Rigid Backrest, 8.063", 18" Wide- Used with standard push handles, low push handles or omit push handles in any back height range or used with fold down push handles with tall back height range
1n 108678 Rigid Backrest, 6.063", 18" Wide- Used with fold down push handles with short back height range
1o 108665 Rigid Backrest, 7.063", 18" Wide- Used with fold down push handles with medium back height range
1p 003726 Rigid Backrest, 8.063", 19" Wide- Used with standard push handles, low push handles or omit push handles in any back height range or used with fold down push handles with tall back height range
1q 108679 Rigid Backrest, 6.063", 19" Wide- Used with fold down push handles with short back height range
1r 108666 Rigid Backrest, 7.063", 19" Wide- Used with fold down push handles with medium back height range
1s 003727 Rigid Backrest, 8.063", 20" Wide- Used with standard push handles, low push handles or omit push handles in any back height range or used with fold down push handles with tall back height range
1t 108680 Rigid Backrest, 6.063", 20" Wide- Used with fold down push handles with short back height range
1u 108667 Rigid Backrest, 7.063", 20" Wide- Used with fold down push handles with medium back height range
2 000034 Sleeve 3/4" x 1 1/2"
3 100669 M5 x 10 BTN SHCS BLKZC w/Patch
4 000073 M5 x 24 Threaded Barrel