loadingLoading... Quickie 2 Eiq2n (S/N Prefix Q2V & Q2H)

Quickie 2 Eiq2n (s/n Prefix Q2v & Q2h)

Name: Quickie 2 Eiq2n (S/N Prefix Q2V & Q2H): Threaded Axle Upgrade Assm
Manufacturer: Sunrise Medical
Threaded Axle Upgrade Assm parts diagram
(Click on image to enlarge)

Note: To upgrade to threaded Axles from Quick Release Axles, Qty 2 is required.Note: for Quickie TS only available with Amputee Adjustable Axle Bracket.
Pos. Part # Description Price UOM Buy
1A 920108 AXLE THRD MAG(ADJ AXLE PLT) LX- For Mag Wheel X= 2.5 Y=2 1/8
1B 920109 AXLE THRD SPK(ADJ AXLE PLT) LX- For Spoke Wheel X= 3 Y=2 1/8
2 920099S AXLE SLEEVE 7/16 ID W/HDWR