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Little Wave Arc

Name: Little Wave Arc: Arc Seat Frame
Manufacturer: Ki Mobility
Arc Seat Frame parts diagram
(Click on image to enlarge)

The Rear Seat Tube (#5) is not included within the seat frame assembly kits. If the seat frame color is changing, the left and right rear seat tubes are needed as well. When changing frame depth ranges, new front side frames are needed. If Changing from extra short depth range to short, medium, or long, new mechlocks are needed. Select color of parts based on Seat Frame color of chair.
Pos. Part # Description Price UOM Buy
1a, 4b, 9, 15, 19 113121_ _ _ Seat Frame Assembly, Standard, X-Short, Arc N/A EA Please Call
1b, 4a, 9, 15, 19 113122_ _ _ Seat Frame Assembly, Standard, Short, Arc N/A EA Please Call
1c, 4a, 9, 15, 19 113123_ _ _ Seat Frame Assembly, Standard, Medium, Arc N/A EA Please Call
1d, 4a, 9, 15, 19 113124_ _ _ Seat Frame Assembly, Standard, Long, Arc N/A EA Please Call
2a, 4b, 9, 10, 15, 19 113125_ _ _ Seat Frame Assembly, Offset, X-Short, Right, Arc N/A EA Please Call
2e, 4b, 9, 10, 15, 19 113126_ _ _ Seat Frame Assembly, Offset, X-Short, Left, Arc N/A EA Please Call
2b, 4a, 9, 10, 15, 19 113127_ _ _ Seat Frame Assembly, Offset, Short, Right, Arc N/A EA Please Call
2f, 4a, 9, 10, 15, 19 113128_ _ _ Seat Frame Assembly, Offset, Short, Left, Arc N/A EA Please Call
2c, 4a, 9, 10, 15, 19 113129_ _ _ Seat Frame Assembly, Offset, Medium, Right, Arc N/A EA Please Call
2g, 4a, 9, 10, 15, 19 113130_ _ _ Seat Frame Assembly, Offset, Medium, Left, Arc N/A EA Please Call
2d, 4a, 9, 10, 15, 19 113131_ _ _ Seat Frame Assembly, Offset, Long, Right, Arc N/A EA Please Call
2h, 4a, 9, 10, 15, 19 113132_ _ _ Seat Frame Assembly, Offset, Long, Left, Arc N/A EA Please Call
3a, 4b, 10 113133_ _ _ Seat Frame Assembly, Contracture, X-Short, Arc N/A EA Please Call
3b, 4a, 10 113134_ _ _ Seat Frame Assembly, Contracture, Short, Arc N/A EA Please Call
3c, 4a, 10 113135_ _ _ Seat Frame Assembly, Contracture, Medium, Arc N/A EA Please Call
3d, 4a, 10 113136_ _ _ Seat Frame Assembly, Contracture, Long, Arc N/A EA Please Call
4a 110165 Growth Tube, Seat- Used on short, medium, and long seat depth ranges
4b 110166 Growth Tube, Seat, Extra Short- Used on x-short seat depth range
5, 10 113176_ _ _ Rear Seat Frame Assembly, Arc N/A EA Please Call
6 110211 Mechlock Mount, Upper
7 110213 Link Arm Upper Bushing
8a 110206 Mechlock, 194mm Stroke, Right- Used on short, medium, and long seat depth ranges
8b 110207 Mechlock, 194mm Stroke, Left- Used on short, medium, and long seat depth ranges
8c 110208 Mechlock, 190mm Stroke, Right- Used on x-short seat depth range
8d 110209 Mechlock, 190mm Stroke, Left- Used on x-short seat depth range
9 000336 Latch Block
10 001028 Tube Plug 1" x .824"
11 110292 E-Ring, M9-M12, DIN6799, ZC
12 110285 BHCS, M6x1.0x60, BLZ, CLS 12.9 ISO7380, P/T
13 101811 M6 x 35 BHCS Blk Zn
14 101708 M6 x 14 BTN SHCS BLKZC w/Patch
15 101819 M6 x 40 FHCS Blk Zn
16 100662 M6 x 25 FSHCS BLK ZC
17 100746 M6 Flat Washer Blk Zn
18 003079 M6 Conical Washer
19 100658 M6 Nylock Nut Blk Zn