Pulse 5
Name: Pulse 5: Asap Ii 16-22 Seat Frame
Manufacturer: Sunrise Medical
Manufacturer: Sunrise Medical
Note: For 24" wide seat frame, please contact Built 4 Me.
Pos. | Part # | Description | Remarks | Price | UOM | Buy |
1 | 230015 | BHCS M5 X.8 X8MM | N/A | EA | Please Call | |
4 | 230497 | M5-.8 X 20 MM BH C/S |
EA |
5A - 6 | 119861 | SD FRM W/ RV NT AND PLG 16-20R- Right-16x12 thru 20x20 | Right-16x12 thru 20x20 |
EA |
5A - 6 | 119862 | SD FRM W/ RV NT AND PLG 16-20L- Left-16x12 thru 20x20 | Left-16x12 thru 20x20 |
EA |
5B - 6 | 119863 | SD FRM W/ RV NT AND PLG 18-22R- Right-18x16 thru 22x22 | Right-18x16 thru 22x22 |
EA |
5B - 6 | 119864 | SD FRM W/ RV NT AND PLG 18-22L- Left-18x16 thru 22x22 | Left-18x16 thru 22x22 |
EA |
6 | 561062 | 1" INSERT PLUG |
EA |
7 | 116576 | SHCS, M8X1.25X20, FULL, NP |
EA |
1 - 4, 5A - 8 | 118629 | SEAT FRAME 16-20- 16"-20" Seat Width | 16"-20" Seat Width |
EA |
1 - 4, 5B - 8 | 118616 | SEAT FRAME 18-22- 18"-22" Seat Width- for PLS6 only | 18"-22" Seat Width- for PLS6 only |
EA |
9 | 118927 | SEAT FRAME PLUG- Used w/ Center Mount Footrest | Used w/ Center Mount Footrest |
EA |
10 | 117855 | SHCS LOW HD M8X1.25X16 CLSS- Mounts Frame to Interface | Mounts Frame to Interface |
EA |