Quickie Xenon 2

Quickie Xenon 2

Name: Quickie Xenon 2: Swing Away Leg Strap
Manufacturer: Sunrise Medical
Swing Away Leg Strap parts diagram
(Click on image to enlarge)

Pos. Part # Description Price UOM Buy
1A 76705030-001 CALF STRAP L750 SB32 AND SB34- Leg Strap; 32cm-34cm widths
1B 76705030-002 CALF STRAP L800 SB36 AND SB38- Leg Strap; 36cm-38cm widths
1C 76705030-003 CALF STRAP L850 SB40 AND SB42- Leg Strap;40cm-42cm widths
1D 76705030-004 CALF STRAP L900 SB44 AND SB46- Leg Strap; 44cm-50cm widths