Zippie Zm310
Name: Zippie Zm310: Smart Tilt After S/n Pls6c-134217, Pls5a-114861 & Plsza-126142
Manufacturer: Sunrise Medical
Manufacturer: Sunrise Medical
Note: Not compatible with 3 Axis Switch
Pos. | Part # | Description | Remarks | Price | UOM | Buy |
1 | 20010102 | TILT MODULE 50 DEG SMART- use after s/n xxxxxx | use after s/n xxxxxx |
EA |
2A | 020063-070 | HARNESS DELPHI ACTUATOR 700mm- Thru Drive Power Module | Thru Drive Power Module |
EA |
2B | 020063-100 | MOTORKABEL 1000mm- Switch Control 2/3 axis | Switch Control 2/3 axis | N/A | EA | Please Call |
3 | 163292 | PM5 TILT ACT W/I.S. |
EA |
4 | 108309-120 | HARN ACT WITH PGD INHIBIT - 1200mm - 47"- Thru Drive 2+ (ISM) | Thru Drive 2+ (ISM) |
EA |
5 | 248502 | SHCS M8 X 1.25 X 12 FULL PL |
EA |