Zippie Zm310
Name: Zippie Zm310: Tilt Module
Manufacturer: Sunrise Medical
Manufacturer: Sunrise Medical
Note: the "stacking" of separate lift and tilt modules is not supported.
Pos. | Part # | Description | Remarks | Price | UOM | Buy |
1A | 129784 | MDL PWR TILT SPOT W/F.B.- use beginning s/n PLSZA-125402 | use beginning s/n PLSZA-125402 |
EA |
1B | 131952 | MDL PWR TILT SPT W/NOISE SUPP- use before s/n PLSZA-125402 | use before s/n PLSZA-125402 | N/A | EA | Please Call |
2 | 020063-070 | HARNESS DELPHI ACTUATOR 700mm |
EA |
3 | 129881 | KIT TLT SPT ADJ LIM ACT W/ FER- use before s/n PLSZA-125402; includes Micro Switch | use before s/n PLSZA-125402; includes Micro Switch |
EA |
5 | 117875S | WASHER LARGE OD 8X24X2- without Lift | without Lift |
EA |
6 | 117855 | SHCS LOW HD M8X1.25X16 CLSS- with Lift n/a on Pulse | with Lift n/a on Pulse |
EA |
7 | 103221 | SHCS M8 X 1.25 X 16W/PL INORG | N/A | EA | Please Call | |
8 | 103184-003 | BHCS M5X0.8X10 FULLPL |
EA |