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Quickie Pulse (w/ S/n Prefixpls6a Thru Pls6c)

Name: Quickie Pulse (w/ S/N Prefixpls6a Thru Pls6c): 2/3 Axis Switch Boxes
Manufacturer: Sunrise Medical
2/3 Axis Switch Boxes parts diagram
(Click on image to enlarge)

Pos. Part # Description Price UOM Buy
1A 130993 DRVR 3-AXIS TILT W/FB PCM- Standard Tilt with New PCM
1B 131251 DRVR 3AX ACT WITH TLT- Standard Tilt with Power Legrests N/A EA Please Call
1C 131258 DRVR ACT 3AX WITH LFT- Lift or HD Tilt with Power Legrests N/A EA Please Call
1D 132271 DRVR 3-AXIS LIFT, 4A PCM- Lift or HD Tilt with New PCM N/A EA Please Call
2 107021 BHCS 10-32 X 1/2 PL N/A EA Please Call