Quickie Pulse (w/ S/n Prefixpls6a Thru Pls6c)
Name: Quickie Pulse (w/ S/N Prefixpls6a Thru Pls6c): Power Center Mount Elr Dual Foot Complete Retro Kits
Manufacturer: Sunrise Medical
Manufacturer: Sunrise Medical
Note: when retrofitting to an existing chair, please contact Sunrise Tech Support to ensure all necessary components are identified.
Pos. | Part # | Description | Remarks | Price | UOM | Buy |
1 | 169023 | PCM Z 300M STD FT STD PAD- Complete Kit | Complete Kit |
EA |
2 | 136470 | POWER CNTRMNT KIT W/BRKT- Complete Kit | Complete Kit | N/A | EA | Please Call |
3, 4B | 159761 | POWER CENTER MOUNT SDO- Complete Kit, includes loom 4B | Complete Kit, includes loom 4B | N/A | EA | Please Call |
4A | 21811002 | PCMF LOOM- use prior to S/N M710C-128337, M715C-113705 & M720C-126232 | use prior to S/N M710C-128337, M715C-113705 & M720C-126232 | N/A | EA | Please Call |
4B | 244848 | PCMF LOOM- use after S/N M710C-128337, M715C-113705 & M720C-126232 | use after S/N M710C-128337, M715C-113705 & M720C-126232 |
EA |